Zebra[African Savannah]
Giraffe[African Savannah]
Gnoe[African Savannah]
Thomson's Gazelle[African Savannah]
Grote Koedoe[African Scrubland Plains]
Wrattenzwijn [African Scrubland Plains]
Stokstaartje [African Scrubland Plains]
Secretarisvogel [African Scrubland Plains]
Paradijskraanvogel [African Scrubland Plains]
Noordelijke Hoornraaf [African Scrubland Plains]
Afrikaanse Civetkat [African Scrubland Plains]
Aardvarken [African scrubland Plains]
Koningspython[reptile dungeon]
Komodo varaan[reptile dungeon]
Nijlvaraan[reptile dungeon]
afrikaanse olifant [elephant exhibit]
Siberische tijger [Tiger Woodlands]
Witte leeuw(maar niet iedereen!)[Lion Ruins]
Grizzleybeer[forest of the bears]
Jaguar[Bush of the Jaguar]
Panter[Bush of the Jaguar] (Zwarte panters mogen ook)
Sneeuwluipaard[Bush of the Jaquar]
Witte Neushoorn [RhinoLand]
Timberwolf[Wolfs Forest]
Grijze wolf[Wolfs Forest
Arctische wolf[Wolfs Forest]
Cheeta[Cheetah Island]
Orang Oetang[Monkey madness!]
Chimpansee[Monkey madness!]
Berggorilla[Monkey madness!]
Doodshoofdaapje[Monkey madness!]
Maki[Monkey madness!]
Reuzenpanda[Panda Hill]
Kleine panda[Panda Hill]
Axelotl[Dark Nights]
Nachtaapje[Dark Nights]
Negenbandig gordeldier [Dark Nights]
Spookdiertje [Dark Nights]
Briluil [Dark Nights]
Haas[Rodents House]
Konijn[Rodents House]
Cavia[Rodents House]
Hamster[Rodents House]
Gerbil[Rodents House]
Vos[The Forest]
Hert[The Forest]
Eland[The Forest]
Stinkdier[The Forest]
Eekhoorn[The Forest]
Wasbeer[The Forest]
Marter [The Forest)
Lama[Petting Zoo]
Geit[Petting Zoo]
Kip[Petting Zoo]
Blauwe Pauw[Petting Zoo]
Rund [Petting Zoo]
Pony[Petting Zoo]
Grijze Reuzenkangoeroe [Australia Hall]
Bennetts Wallaby [Australia Hall]
Koala [Australia Hall]
Goodfellow-Boomkangoeroe [Australia Hall]
Vogelbekdier [Australia Hall]
Blauwkoplori (Papegaai) [Australia Hall]
Rode reuzenkangaroe[australia hall]
Capibara[Capybara Creek]
Dwergotter[otter lake]
Nijlpaard[hippo swamp]
Nijlkrokodil[Cave of the crocs]
Chinese Alligator [alligator river]
Pinguins [Pinguin Pole]
Vissen[Turtle Domain] (Je mag hier vissen zijn maar dan wel die bij het rif horen)
Soepschildpad[Turtle Domain]
Lederschildpad [Turtle Domain]
Orka[Orca Exhibit]
Bultrug[Whales Ocean]
Tuimelaar[Dolphin Islands]
Hamerhaai[Shark Bay]
Grote Witte Haai[shark bay]
Walvishaai [shark bay]
Visarend[Birds of Prey]
Zeearend[Birds of Prey]
Steenarend[Birds of Prey]
Apenarend[Birds of Prey]]
Grauwe Gans[Birds Migration-Toendragronden]
Sneeuwgans[Birds Migration-Toendragronden]
Roodhalsgans[Birds Migration-Toendragronden]
Zilver/Goudplevier[Birds Migration-Toendragronden]
Wilde Zwaan[Birds Migration-Toendragronden]
Kievit[Birds Migration-Gematigde Weilanden]
Kemphaan[Birds Migration-Gematigde Weilanden]
Scholekster[Birds Migration-Gematigde Weilanden]
Grutto[Birds Migration-Gematigde Weilanden]
Bijeneter[Birds Migration-Winterkwartier]
Lepelaar[Birds Migration-Winterkwartier]
Zwarte Ibis[Birds Migration-Winterkwartier]
Zwarte Ooievaar[Birds Migration-Winterkwartier]
Zangvogels[Perching Bird Aviary]